We’re all things fitness. If you’re looking for weight loss, fitness improvement, or muscle gain, we can help. Fitness Image trainers are selected based on professional experience.

personal trainer
michaela fitness image personal training
mobile personal trainer
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australian institute of sport, channel 9

We work with large sporting organisations.

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Fitness Services

  • Boxing (pad work)
  • Wellness coaching
  • Bodybuilding and strength
  • Fitness
  • Fat loss and conditioning
  • Nutrition plans
  • Performance training
  • Lifestyle/ flexible nutrition
  • Injury management/ rehabilitation
  • Weightlifting
  • Sports coaching
  • Supplementation consultations

Our Melbourne Trainers Make an Impact

“I cannot express enough how much Armstrong and Fitness Image have transformed my life. When I first started my fitness journey, I was severely underweight and lacked confidence in myself. Armstrong’s guidance and expertise have been nothing short of life-changing.

Under his mentorship, I’ve not only gained significant strength and muscle mass but also developed a deep understanding of fitness that extends far beyond the gym. Armstrong goes above and beyond to tailor workouts and nutrition that suit my needs and goals perfectly.

What sets him apart is his holistic approach to health. He not only focuses on physical fitness but also places a strong emphasis on building healthy habits and nurturing mental health. His unwavering support and encouragement have helped me overcome obstacles I never thought possible.

If you’re looking for a personal trainer who genuinely cares about your well-being, Armstrong is the one. Fitness Image is a haven of positive transformation, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the positive impact it’s had on my life. Thank you, Armstrong, and Fitness Image, for everything!”

Utkarssh Singh – Data engineer (South bank)

“I found Fitness Image because I was looking to improve my physical health and incorporate exercise into my lifestyle, which I had always found quite challenging. Since starting with them my physical and mental health has greatly improved.

I got in contact with Armstrong who is very friendly and linked me up with a trainer who was right for me. He’s also helped me improve my eating habits with a plan that works for my lifestyle and specific needs.

My personal trainer, Michaela, is absolutely fantastic at her job and is just a lovely person to talk to. She has so much love for physical health and is always pushing me to do my best. She incorporates her pilates background into my workouts and is always dropping bits of knowledge from her long career in physical health. Our sessions are always fun and I leave feeling fit and energised.

Armstrong and Michaela have been so supportive of my fitness journey and are always looking out for my best interests. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to make changes to their physical health!”

Zarah Ahmad – ABC Melbourne

“Armstrong has made a huge difference to my quality of life in the last 6 months.

Despite recent challenges with lower back pain, Armstrong has been able to safely guide me towards an inner core strength that allows me to avoid future back problems while also maintaining great posture.

I feel like a much younger man. While I’ve already reached my initial goals, I still intend to continue with Armstrong. He is guiding me towards greater athleticism and is an incredible trainer.

I also respect that he is continually learning about physical health and doesn’t limit himself to a single point of view. I really like how he always has something new in store and makes every workout entertaining and fun.”

Chris Whitemore – Microsoft (Caulfield)

About Fitness Image Personal Training

Armstrong competed on Ninja Warrior Season 2. Growing up, he was naturally skinny, so his dad inspired him to pursue sports. As he became fitter and stronger, his body changed. What helped was getting the right coaching, and learning about technique and nutrition.

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What does Fitness Image Personal Training involve?

Each workout lasts 45 minutes. Depending on your goals, your trainer will alternate between traditional and High-Intensity Interval Training to help you gain strength and lean muscle while burning calories. 

If you complete the 6-week Challenge, your trainer will increase the volume and intensity of the workouts by introducing new training splits for a more challenging experience. Additionally, every workout includes an abs-focused finisher to help you strengthen and tone your core.

How effective is personal training?

Personal training can be an effective way to reach fitness goals. It’s a custom approach to fitness, health, accountability, motivation, nutrition, and injuries. A personalised plan is far more likely to yield results. 

The motivation and accountability aspect can help you stay on track. And it’s more likely that you’ll build healthy habits and lose bad ones. 

A good trainer knows what to look for with exercise techniques and can work around injuries simultaneously. It’s a complex job because it requires a lot of personal and professional experience working one-on-one with different people. 

Training sessions are generally more effective because they’re more focused than solo workouts. We’re more likely to give up on the last few reps, but a trainer can help you push through. When doing a challenging activity, everything becomes more accessible.


Is personal training right for me?

Fitness Image makes serious strength and weight loss training approachable for everyone because Fitness Image knows what’s needed to build strength and confidence while pushing you to your limits.

The Fitness Image trainers have his tried-and-true formula of classic weightlifting and HIIT, nutrition guidance, and accountability coaching. Armstrong shows you that burning fat and building muscle doesn’t have to be daunting or complicated. 

So whether you’re a beginner or looking for next-level results, commit to the Challenge, and you’ll see a powerful total-body transformation. 

How do I get matched with the right personal trainer for me?

Depending on your initial weight loss, strength improvement, muscle gain, general health improvement, or injury management goals, we’ll fit you with one of our trainers who specialises in that area. A free session is offered for a limited time, so you can see how you like the trainer’s style.

What if my coach needs to be suitable for me?

We’re offering a free first session (limited time), so you’ll know whether you like the trainer’s style after the first session. Generally, we have a couple of trainers in each area, so you can try out another trainer if you like. 

Can I try personal training to see if I like my trainer?

We’re offering a free first session (limited time) so you can try a session with your trainer before committing to one of our programs. 

Where are the sessions?

We’re offering mobile personal training and studio training all across Melbourne. So we can come to your place, a park near you, or your apartment gym. Our trainers also bring all the equipment needed, including weights, mats, boxing, bands, and everything needed to get a good workout and see progress. 

We can service most suburbs in Melbourne. Currently, we have semi-private personal training studios in Port Melbourne and Middle Park. 

How would my trainer customise the program for me?

Fitness Image creates customised personal training plans. We use these several factors: 

Initial assessment – Your trainer might analyse your body composition, movement, posture, strength and health assessment. 

Goals are personal, so your trainer will show you how to create practical goals to progress faster. 

Preferences: Your trainer might incorporate exercises you enjoy or activities that keep you engaged and motivated.

Time commitment – Your trainer will design a customised workout plan that aligns with your schedule and time constraints. This program will consider how often, how long, and how intense your workouts should be to achieve your fitness goals.

Nutrition – This may include suggestions on timing your meals, managing portion sizes, and staying hydrated for optimal results.

Progressive overload – To promote progress, your trainer will gradually increase exercise intensity, duration, or complexity using the principle of progressive overload.

Variety – A well-designed workout program should incorporate diversity to avoid boredom and hitting a plateau. To make your workouts engaging and effective, your trainer might mix up the exercises, modify the workout structure, or introduce new activities to keep things interesting.

Regular assessments – Your trainer must evaluate your progress regularly to ensure you always progress towards your goals. This helps them make necessary changes to your workout program, such as updating your goals and changing the exercises.

When will I see the results?

Results can depend on your high priority on reaching your goals. Aside from that, you can expect:

Short term: Feeling healthier, more energetic, and improved mood and sleep. 

4-6 weeks: Visible difference in how clothes fit. Suppose weight loss was your initial goal, a 4-6cm reduction from your waist. 

8-12 weeks: There is a visible difference in how you look in the mirror, and other people will start to comment on your new changes—significant improvements in strength and fitness. You’ve gained new healthy habits and lost bad ones at this stage. 

4-6 months: Generally, you’ve reached your initial goal or already surpassed it. Training and healthy nutrition have become more accessible to manage, and you’re motivated to train yourself. Clients look and feel entirely different to how they started.

8-12 months: Reaching your dream goal physically, mentally, and in general health.  

How experienced are Fitness Image trainers?

The average trainer experience across all our trainers is five years. 

How painful is this going to be?

The workouts are customised to your fitness level, regardless of where you’re starting. On the first session, it’s generally more accessible and not so challenging, but you’ll still get a good workout. We want to see how your body reacts to the new training over the next few days. 

After the first sessions, training is generally challenging but not too hard. This way, you’ll progress without feeling like everything is too hard. Training too hard can have adverse effects, like increased risk of injury and a negative association with exercise. 

I’m injured and scared of making it worse. Can you still help?

Doing a first session is best so the trainer can assess your position. We need to see people in person to give any recommendations on injuries.

I’m over 70. Can you help seniors/ elderly?

We train seniors over 70 and customize training to their fitness level.

Let’s Improve Your Fitness

Start your 6-week Plan today.